If you are mechanically inclined get a repair manuel and change it yourself. Check the timing belt idler for wear, if it goes out it will ruin the belt. On most engines there are other parts that you may want to replace at the same time because of the labor involved in getting to them. (other belts, water pumps, hoses., ect)How do i know when to change the timing belt?Either done or not done... You are do..
Any time from 90,000 and on is Roulette..( changed or not changed)
I'd do it....How do i know when to change the timing belt?some engines have a timng belt cover or covers that you can remove and visually inspect the belt. some covers are a pain to remove thoHow do i know when to change the timing belt?i would say your over do. better change it now or you will be looking at some big bucks later.