Be sure to unplug the dryer.How hard is it to change a belt on an electric dryer?probably needs replaced, not difficult but time consuming.How hard is it to change a belt on an electric dryer?It's fairly easy. Dryers are not very complicated and I have replaced belts and thermal switches in these. There are a couple of parts that could cause it to sound rough though apart from the belt. There is an idler pully that holds the belt tight around the drum and a seal around the edge of the drum.
Toughest part really is getting it back together with everything aligned. Find the web site for the brand, lookup the model and see if you can download a manual. You are going to need part information anyway. Good luck.How hard is it to change a belt on an electric dryer?It is not difficult, in general, but depends on brand. Normally, you'll have to pull off some panels to get to it. It may also be the rollers or idler wheel. See a link below for some general how-to (for a different brand, but should be quite similar)How hard is it to change a belt on an electric dryer?rich g's answer is good, and like he said there could be other causes for the rumble that you are hearing. the idler or tension pulley could be bad, the drum support rollers could also be shot, and that goes for any glides that support the drum opening too. some companies, whirlpool for example, make dryer noise repair kits that contain all of the parts that will need to be replaced to fix the problem. these kits will cost less than buying the parts individually and come with instructions on how to do the repairs with pictures of the procedures. check with an appliance parts store near you, or one of the websites for your crosley. good luck, hope this helps.